SIMO (Simultaneous-Motion Cycle) Chart | DEFINATION

SIMO  (Simultaneous-Motion Cycle) Chart | DEFINATION , Meaning, Construction, Books

It is an extremely detailed left and right hand operation chart. It shown on common time scale the simultaneous minute movements performed by the two hands of an operator. Besides hands the movements of other limbs of an operator may also be recorded. The time scale is represented in winks.
SIMO chart is generally used for micromotion analysis of (a)short cycle repetitive jobs (b) High order skill jobs, and finds application in jobs like component assembly, packing, repetitive use of jigs and fixtures, inspection, etc.
A simo chart shows relationship between the different limbs of an operator: for example at any instant it can be found what the one hand is doing with respect to the other, in terms of therbligs is addition to these relationships a simo chart also records the duration of micromotions.

1. Using a 16-mm movie camera a number of short and repetitive work cycle are filmed as the worker performs the job. For recording time, a timing device is placed in the field of view.

2. The film thus obtained is viewed and the most efficiently performed one whole cycle is selected for analysis.

3. A special projector is employed to study the work cycle recorded on the film. The work study Engineering analysis the film, frame by frame, studying one frame at a time, and concentrating first on the left-hand and then on right-hand movements.

4. The data noted in stap-3 is recorded in the form of a therblig chart. The duration of actual movements are also read from the wink counter.

5. A simo chart is then drawn for further study and analysis.

6. The simo chart of the existing method is subjected to a questioning procedure based on the principles of motion economy: the purpose is to develop a better and improved procedure for doing a job.

7. A new simo  chart is then prepared for the new method.

8. The new method is then checked as regards the advantage claimed for the same.


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