PSU (Public sector unit) in Punjab
1. NFL (National Fertilizers limited)
a Schedule ‘A’ & a Mini Ratna (Category-I) Company, having its registered
office at New Delhi was incorporated on 23rd August 1974. Its
Corporate Office is at NOIDA (U.P). It has an authorized capital of Rs.
1000 crore and a paid up capital of Rs. 490.58 crore out of which Government of
India’s share is 74.71 % and 25.29 % is held by financial institutions &
NFL, a
Schedule ‘A’ & a Mini Ratna (Category-I) Company, having its registered
office at New Delhi was incorporated on 23rd August 1974. Its
Corporate Office is at NOIDA (U.P). It has an authorized capital of Rs. 1000
crore and a paid up capital of Rs. 490.58 crore out of which Government of
India’s share is 74.71 % and 25.29 % is held by financial institutions &
Vision & Mission
company has a Vision i.e. “to be a leading Indian company in fertilizers and
beyond with commitment to all stakeholders” and a Mission “to be a dynamic
organization committed to serve the farming community and other customers to
their satisfaction through timely supply of fertilizers and other products
& services; continually striving to achieve the highest standards in
quality, safety, ethics, professionalism, energy conservation with a concern
for ecology and maximizing returns to stakeholders”.
Manufacturing Plants
NFL has
five gas based Ammonia-Urea plants viz. Nangal & Bathinda plants in Punjab,
Panipat plant in Haryana and two plants at Vijaipur at District Guna, in Madhya
Pradesh. The Panipat, Bathinda & Nangal plants were revamped for feed stock
conversion from Fuel Oil to Natural Gas, an eco-friendly fuel during 2012-13 /
2013-14. Vijaipur plants of the company were also revamped for energy savings
& capacity enhancement during 2012-13, thus increasing its total annual
capacity from 20.66 LMT from 17.29 LMT, an increase of 20%. The company
currently has a total annual installed capacity of 35.68 LMT (Re-assessed
capacity of 32.31 LMT) & is the 2nd largest producer of
Urea in the country with a share of about 16% of total Urea production in the
has a Bio-Fertilizers Plant at Vijaipur with a capacity of 600 tonnes of solid
& liquid Bio-Fertilizers to produce four strains of Bio-Fertilizers viz.
PSB, ZSB, Rhizobium and Azotobacter are produced.
NFL is
engaged in manufacturing and marketing of Neem Coated Urea, four strains of
Bio-Fertilizers (solid & liquid), Bentonite Sulphur and other allied
Industrial products like Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Ammonium Nitrate, Sodium Nitrite
and Sodium Nitrate. The brand name of the company is popularly known in the
market as ‘KISAN’.
company has also started production of certified seeds under its Seeds
Multiplication Program for sale under its own brand name as Kisan Beej.
2. HPCL (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited)
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) was formed on
July 15, 1974. Its CIN No. is L23201MH1952GOI008858. HPCL is a
Maharatna Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) and a S&P Platts Top 250
Global Energy Company with a ranking of 55 with Annual Gross sales of Rs.
2,86,250 Crore during financial year 2019-20.
HPCL enjoys over 18% market share in India and has a strong
presence in Refining & Marketing of petroleum products in the country.
During 2019-20, HPCL recorded Profit after Tax (PAT) of Rs. 2,637 Crore.
HPCL owns and operates Refineries at Mumbai (west coast) &
Visakhapatnam (East coast) with designed capacities of 7.5. MMTPA (Million
Metric Tonnes Per Annum) & 8.3 MMTPA respectively. HPCL also owns the
largest Lube Refinery in the country at Mumbai for producing Lube Oil Base
Stock with a capacity of 428 TMTPA. HPCL holds 48.99% equity stake in JV
company, HPCL-Mittal Energy Limited (HMEL) which operates a 11.3 MMTPA capacity
refinery at Bathinda (Punjab) and also has 16.96% equity stake in Mangalore
Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL) which operates a 15 MMTPA capacity
refinery at Mangalore (Karnataka).
HPCL has a vast marketing network consisting of 14 Zonal offices
in major cities and 133 Regional Offices facilitated by a Supply &
Distribution infrastructure comprising 43 Terminals/TOPS/ Installations, 44
Aviation Fuel Stations, 50 LPG Bottling Plants and 68 Inland Relay/Lube Depots.
The customer touch points constitute of 16,868 Retail Outlets, 1,638 SKO/LDO
dealers and 6,137 LPG Distributorships, 115 carrying and forwarding agents, 253
Lube distributorships with a customer base of over 8.4 Crore domestic LPG
HPCL has the second largest share of product pipelines in India
with a pipeline network length of 3,775 kms.
HPCL undertakes Exploration & Production (E&P) of
hydrocarbons through its wholly owned subsidiary M/s. Prize Petroleum Company
Limited (PPCL). HPCL also conducts business through 19 Joint Venture (JV) &
Subsidiary companies operating across oil & gas value chain.
Consistent excellent performance has been made possible by
highly motivated workforce of over 9,800 employees working all over India at
various refining and marketing locations.
HPCL is committed to conducting business with an objective of
preserving the environment, sustainable development, being a safe work place
and enrichment of the quality of life of employees, customers and the
HPCL’s CSR reaffirms the continuing commitment of corporation
toward societal development. The key focus areas are in the fields of Child
Care, Education, Health Care, Skill Development & Community Development,
positively impacting the lives of less privileged. The overall spend on CSR
activities was Rs. 182 crore during 2019-20.
Office& Corporate Headquarters
Petroleum Corporation Limited.
Petroleum House,
17, Jamshedji Tata Road,
Mumbai 400020.
Maharastra, India.
Email: corphqo
(at) hpcl [dot] in
3. BHEL (Bharat
Heavy Electricals limited)
We are stewards of our
shareholders' investments and we take that responsibility
very seriously. We are accountable and responsible for
delivering superior results that make a difference in the lives of the people
we touch.
We value the unique
contribution of each individual. We believe in respect for human
dignity and we respect the need to preserve the environment around
We are
committed to deliver and demonstrate excellence in whatever we do.
We are loyal
to our customers, to our company and to each other.
We work with highest ethical
standards and demonstrate a behavior that is honest, decent, and fair. We are
dedicated to the highest levels of personal and institutional
We set high performance standards for ourselves as individuals and our teams.our commitments in a timely manner.
inspire BHEL
We constantly support
development of newer technologies, products, improved processes, better
services and management practices.
We work
together as a team to provide the best solutions & services to our
customers. Through quality relationships with all stakeholders, we deliver
value to our customers.
4. IOCL (Indian Oil
Corporation Limited )
The Energy Vision
to the world of Indian Oil, a diversified, integrated energy major with presence
in almost all the streams of oil, gas, petrochemicals and alternative energy
sources; a world of high-calibre people, state-of-the-art technologies and
cutting-edge R&D; a world of best practices, quality-consciousness and
transparency; and a world where energy in all its forms is tapped most
responsibly and delivered to the consumers most affordably.
Welcome to Indian Oil, The Energy of India
The Energy for India's Rise
The Energy of India is much more than just notching up high turnover (Rs
5,66,950 crore in 2019-20). It's far more than being ranked 151st among
the world's largest corporates in Fortune's 'Global 500' listing, and the
vision to become 'a globally admired company.'
Being The Energy of India is about Indian Oil, with its over 33,500-strong team,
taking the lead in meeting India's energy demands efficiently and effectively
today, just as it has done over the last six decades, and an enterprise that
fuels India's core sector for economic development.
Being The Energy of India is about Indian Oil's business interests encompassing
the entire hydrocarbon value chain- from refining, pipeline transportation
& marketing, to exploration & production of crude oil & gas,
petrochemicals, gas marketing, alternative energy sources and globalisation of
downstream operations. Click
here to know more about our business.
Being The Energy of India is also about Indian Oil's global aspirations,
fulfilled to an extent by the formation of subsidiaries in Sri
Lanka, Mauritius, the
UAE, Singapore, Sweden, USA and The Netherlands. It is
about pursuing diverse business interests with the setting up of over 20 joint
ventures with reputed business partners from India and abroad to explore global
Taking the Lead to Fuel India's Energy Needs
As The Energy of India, Indian Oil accounts for nearly half of India's petroleum products market share, with sales of 78.54 million metric tonnes (MMT) in the year 2019-20. Over 32% national refining capacity and 71% downstream sector pipelines throughput capacity are with Indian Oil. What's more, the Indian Oil Group has a combined refining capacity of 80.2 million metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA). Indian Oil led the downstream PSUs in becoming fully BS-VI compliant, ensuring a seamless pan-India transition from BS-IV directly to BS-VI grade transport fuels by 16th March, 2020, a full fortnight ahead of the 1st April 2020 deadline.
Indian Oil's 14,670-km cross-country pipelines network facilitates the transportation of crude oil to refineries and finished products to high-demand centres in an efficient, economical and environment-friendly manner. Its throughput capacity of throughput capacity of 94.56 MMTPA for crude oil & refined products and 21.69 MMSCMD for gas makes it one of the largest pipeline networks in the world.
Energy at the Doorstep, Services at a Click
As the
commercial enterprise with the largest customer interface in India, Indian Oil
reaches precious petroleum fuels to every nook and corner of the country
through its network of over 50,000 customer touch-points, surmounting the
challenges of tough terrain, climate and accessibility. This includes 29,000+
fuel stations (petrol pumps), including over 8,515 Kisan Seva Kendra (KSK)
outlets in rural markets, all of them fully automated for quality &
quantity assurance.
For the convenience of large-volume consumers like the defence services,
railways, state transport undertakings, industrial, agricultural and marine
sectors, Indian Oil has about 7,000 dedicated fuel pumps in operation at their
doorstep to ensure timely delivery of products and efficient maintenance of
For Indian Oil, all customers, bulk or retail, are equal and have the right to
quality products and efficient services. With this belief, the Indian Oil team
reaches Indane
LPG cooking gas right up to the doorsteps of 13.11 crore
households through a network of about 12,450 distributors. The Corporation is
promoting LPG aggressively as a clean cooking fuel across socio-economic
Indian Oil's Aviation Service
commands a 60.5% market share in aviation fuel, serving national and
international flag carriers, private airlines and the Indian defence services
with equal efficiency.
The countrywide marketing network is backed for supplies by 118 bulk storage
terminals and depots and 94 LPG bottling plants, besides 119 aviation fuel
stations and 13 lube blending plants.
As the 'company of choice' for millions of customers from diverse segments,
Indian Oil has also built up a portfolio of leading energy brands, including
Indane LPG cooking gas, SERVO lubricants, XTRAPREMIUM petrol, XTRAMILE diesel, PROPEL petrochemicals, etc.
Besides the corporate brand, both SERVO and Indane are over 50 year old brands
and have earned the coveted Superbrand status.
Advanced R&D, to be Future-Ready
IndianOil's sprawling R&D Centre at Faridabad, one of Asia's finest in downstream petroleum R&D, offers competitive advantage to the Corporation through world-class technology and process solutions and innovative products. With four decades of pioneering work in lubricants formulation, refinery processes and pipeline transportation, the Centre crossed the 1,000-patents milestone in 2019-20.
The vibrant
research undertaken in tribology is showcased by Indian Oil's SERVO productline
comprising more than 4,000 lubricant & grease formulations and 850 active
grades to suit virtually every application. In addition, the Centre has also
developed several refinery process technologies and catalysts specially suited
to Indian conditions. The Centre's forte also includes alternative energy
programmes in bio-energy, solar energy, Hydrogen energy, H-CNG blends,
synthetic fuels and shale oil. It is also focussing on cutting-edge research in
nanotechnology, petrochemicals & polymers, coal gasification/liquefaction,
and gas-to-liquid technologies. The Centre is also nurturing an eco-system
conducive for innovations in the domestic hydrocarbons sector through a Startup
Fund .
Synergy Beyond Energy
Over the past decade, Indian Oil has assiduously built its new businesses, that is, petrochemicals and natural gas marketing, to a level where they have achieved integration with the core verticals. The Corporation's upstream forays into Exploration & production have also yielded significant results in the form of a sizeable portfolio of oil & gas assets in India and abroad.
Besides being the second largest player in the domestic petrochemicals market, with 3.15 MMTPA capacity, Indian Oil exports to over 70 countries, offering the complete slate of petrochemical products and intermediates under the brand name PROPEL. The Corporation has set up world-scale petrochemical plants at Gujarat, Panipat and Paradip refineries over the last two decades with a capex of over Rs. 25,000 crore, and has firm plans to invest Rs. 26,000 crore more till the year 2023-24 to consolidate business, expand capacities and enter niche grades. These projects include revamp/augmentation of existing capacities and new projects, forward integration plans into plastics and textiles parks as well as equity investment in Hindustan Urvarak & Rasayan Ltd. (HURL) for production of fertilizer.
As the second
largest player in India in natural
gas, IndianOil is aggressively promoting this eco-friendly fuel
among all user segments: industry-transport-homes-commercial establishments.
The Corporation aspires for leadership in the R-LNG segment, and is investing/enhancing
share in LNG sourcing, import terminals, cross-country gas pipelines, city gas
distribution (CGD) networks and bulk supplies by road-tankers. With an
ambitious agenda of covering 40 Geographical Areas (GA) on its own as well as
with reputed joint venture partners, IndianOil's investment on development of
CGD networks, to offer piped natural gas (PNG) to households and compressed
natural gas (CNG) as auto-fuel, in the next eight years is likely to be about
Rs. 10,000 crore.
Upstream integration into E&P defines IndianOil's vision to bolster its
energy security by way of strategic investments in oil equity across the globe.
The Corporation's current upstream portfolio by way of Participating Interest
comprises 12 domestic E&P assets and 12 overseas assets in 10 countries.
With an upstream integration ratio of 5.5% and a balanced portfolio of
producing, discovered and exploration assets, the Corporation has achieved
significant progress in terms of 2P reserves, production volumes, equity oil and
IndianOil has planned for Rs. 2 lakh crore (US$ 29 billion) investments in the
next 5-7 years: Besides focus on refinery expansions, new technologies for
clean fuels & enhanced outputs, and refinery-petrochemicals integration,
IndianOil is aggressively leveraging its R&D expertise to move into horizon
technologies like 2G & 3G ethanol, bio-fuels, coal gasification, H-CNG,
Hydrogen fuel cells, battery technologies, etc. These technologies, along with
cleaner fuels and higher engine efficiencies, can offer sustainable solutions
to today's energy challenges.
Fuelling India's Green Energy Quest
IndianOil is fully aligned to India's aspirations to transit to clean energy and has planned large investments in alternative energy and sustainable development projects. IndianOil is working on expanding its solar energy and wind-power portfolio. It's diversification into alternative, renewable energy options will cover production of ethanol from refinery off-gases, a novel bio-methanation process for converting organic waste to biogas, and commercialisation of a patented, economical process and enzyme for production of 2G ethanol from agricultural wast
A green
initiative of enormous potential is SATAT (Sustainable
Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation), whereby Compressed Bio-Gas
(CBG) produced from organic waste or biomass like farm residue, cattle dung,
sugarcane press mud, etc., by entrepreneurs will be marketed for use in
automotive, industrial and commercial sectors in local markets.
IndianOil has a strategic intent to scale up its presence in e-mobility by
equipping its customer touch-points with turbo-charging and battery-swapping
facilities for EVs and plug-in hybrids. Indian Oil R&D is foraying into
energy storage and batteries as a new and profitable business avenue. It has
also undertaken trials of Hydrogen-spiked CNG, or H-CNG, derived from on-site
compact reformers in bus fleets to reduce tailpipe emissions while at the same
time enhancing mileage. The Centre is also working on Hydrogen fuel cells for
transport applications, where Hydrogen is produced through the renewable route.
Sustaining Responsible Growth
As one of
the flagship public sector enterprises of India, Indian Oil has successfully
combined its corporate social
responsibility agenda with its business offerings, meeting the energy needs
of millions of people every day, across the country.
The Corporation has been partnering communities in which it operates by
supporting innumerable initiatives connected with health, family welfare,
education, environment protection, provision of potable water, sanitation, and
empowerment of women and other marginalised groups. Indian Oil has always been
leading from the front in times of national emergencies, and has time and again
rallied to help victims of natural calamities by maintaining uninterrupted
supply of petroleum products and contributing to relief and rehabilitation measures
in cash and kind
5. SAIL (Steel Authority of
India Limited)
Steel Authority of India Limited - A Maharatna
Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is one of the largest
steel-making companies in India and one of the Maharatna’s of the country’s
Central Public Sector Enterprises.
SAIL produces iron and steel at
five integrated plants and three special steel plants, located principally in
the eastern and central regions of India and situated close to domestic sources
of raw materials. SAIL manufactures and sells a broad range of steel products
6. NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation)
NTPC is India’s largest energy conglomerate
with roots planted way back in 1975 to accelerate power development in India.
Since then it has established itself as the dominant power major with presence
in the entire value chain of the power generation business. From fossil fuels
it has forayed into generating electricity via hydro, nuclear and renewable
energy sources. This foray will play a major role in lowering its carbon
footprint by reducing green house gas emissions. To strengthen its core
business, the corporation has diversified into the fields of consultancy, power
trading, training of power professionals, rural electrification, ash
utilisation and coal mining as well.
NTPC became a Maharatna company in May 2010.
As of January 2020, there are 10 Maharatnas CPSEs in India. NTPC is ranked No.
2 Independent Power Producer(IPP) in Platts Top 250 Global Energy Company
The total installed capacity of the company is
64,880 MW (including JVs) own stations include 24 coal based, 7 gas
based, 1 Hydro 1 Wind 13 Solar and 1 Small hydro
plant. Under JV, NTPC has 9 coal based, 4 gas based and
13 renewable energy projects. The capacity will have a diversified
fuel mix and by 2032, non fossil fuel based generation capacity shall make up
nearly 30% of NTPC’s portfolio.
NTPC has been operating its plants at high
efficiency levels. As on 31.03.2020 the company had 16.78% of the total
national capacity and, it contributes 20.96% of total power generation due to
its focus on high efficiency.
In October 2004, NTPC launched its Initial
Public Offering (IPO) consisting of 5.25% as fresh issue and 5.25% as offer for
sale by the Government of India. NTPC thus became a listed company in November
2004 with the Government holding 89.5% of the equity share capital. In February
2010, the Shareholding of Government of India was reduced from 89.5% to
84.5% through a further public offer. Government of India has further divested
9.5% shares through OFS route in February 2013. With this, GOI's holding in
NTPC has reduced from 84.5% to 75%. The rest is held by Institutional
Investors, banks and Public. Presently, Government of India is holding in NTPC
has reduced to 54.14%.
NTPC is not only the foremost power generator; it is also among the great places to work. The company is guided by the “People before Plant Load Factor” mantra which is the template for all its human resource related policies. In 2019, NTPC is recognized as “Laureate” for consistently ranking among “Top 50 Best Companies to Work for in India” for last 11 years in the Great Place to Work and Economic Times survey. Besides, NTPC was also recognized as the best among PSUs and in Manufacturing
7. ONGC (Oil
and Natural Gas Corporation)
To be global leader in
integrated energy business through sustainable growth, knowledge excellence and
exemplary governance practices.
World Class
- Dedicated
to excellence by leveraging competitive advantages in R&D and
technology with involved people.
- Imbibe
high standards of business ethics and organizational values.
- Abiding
commitment to safety, health and environment to enrich quality of
community life.
- Foster
a culture of trust, openness and mutual concern to make working a
stimulating and challenging experience for our people.
- Strive
for customer delight through quality products and services.
Integrated In Energy
- Focus
on domestic and international oil and gas exploration and production
business opportunities.
- Provide
value linkages in other sectors of energy business.
- Create
growth opportunities and maximize shareholder value.
Dominant Indian
- Retain
dominant position in Indian petroleum sector and enhance India's energy
8. GAIL (GasAuthority of India Limited)
· 1. GAIL
was conferred with the Maharatna status on 1 Feb 2013, by the Government of
· 2. GAIL
is under the administrative control of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural
· 3. GAIL
is the largest state-owned natural gas processing and distribution company in
4. GAIL was established in August 1984.
About the company
Coal India Limited (CIL) the state owned coal
mining corporate came into being in November 1975. With a modest production of
79 Million Tonnes (MTs) at the year of its inception CIL today is the single
largest coal producer in the world and one of the largest corporate employer
with manpower of 272445 (as on 1st April, 2020). CIL functions through its
subsidiaries in 84 mining areas spread over eight (8) states of India. Coal
India Limited has 352 mines (as on 1st April, 2020) of which 158 are
underground, 174 opencast and 20 mixed mines. CIL further operates 12 coal
washeries, (10 coking coal and 2 non-coking coal) and also manages other
establishments like workshops, hospitals, and so on. CIL has 26 training
Institutes and 84 Vocational Training Centres. Indian Institute of Coal
Management (IICM) as a state-of-the-art Management Training ‘Centre of
Excellence’ – the largest Corporate Training Institute in India - operates
under CIL and conducts multi -disciplinary programmes.
CIL is a Maharatna company
- a privileged status conferred by Government of India to select state owned
enterprises in order to empower them to expand their operations and emerge as
global giants. The select club has only ten members out of more than three
hundred Central Public Sector Enterprises in the country.
CIL has seven producing subsidiaries namely
Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL), Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL), Central
Coalfields Limited (CCL), Western Coalfields Limited (WCL), South Eastern
Coalfields Limited (SECL), Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL)and Mahanadi
Coalfields Limited (MCL) and One mine planning and consultancy company that is
Central Mine Planning & Design Institute(CMPDI). In addition, CIL has a
foreign subsidiary in Mozambique namely Coal India Africana Limitada (CIAL).
The mines in Assam i.e. North Eastern Coalfields is managed directly by CIL.
Mahanadi Coalfields
Limited has four (4) subsidiaries which are i) MJSJ Coal Limited ii) MNH Shakti
Ltd, iii)Mahanadi Basin Power Ltd iv)Neelanchal Power Transmition Company
Private Ltd
SECL has two
subsidiaries i) M/s Chhattisgarh East Railway Ltd (CERL) ii)M/s Chhattisgarh
East- West Railway Ltd (CEWRL)
CCL has one subsidiary
– Jharkhand Central Railway Ltd
Unmatched Strategic Relevance
Produces around 83% of India’s overall coal production in India where
approximately 57% of primary commercial energy is coal dependent, CIL alone
meets to the tune of 40% of primary commercial energy requirement. The share of
coal is expected to remain high at 48-54% till 2040 and accounts for 76% of
total thermal power generating capacity of the Utility sector. Supplies coal at
prices discounted to international prices and insulates Indian coal consumers
against price volatility. Makes the end user industry globally competitive and
plays a key role in “Make in India” and making India incorporate globally
Production and Growth
During 2019-20, CIL produced 602.138 Million Tonnes (MTs) of coal under
challenging and adverse conditions achieving 91% of its target. CIL has
breached the 600 Million Tonne (MT) mark in coal production for the second
time. On 30 March 2020, CIL set a new record by producing 3.86 Mts, the highest
ever production in a day since foundation. Northern Coalfields Limited and
Western Coalfields Limited exceeded their respective annual production targets
of 2019-20, achieving 102% and 103% of their respective targets. While NCL
produced 108.05 MTs for the fiscal, WCL’s was 57.64 Mts. Raw coal off-take for
the Financial Year ending 31st March 2020 was 581.411 MT and Over Burden
Removal (OBR) was 1154.33 M Cum. Despatch of coal and coal products during
2019-20 was at 582.48 Mts and despatch to power utilities (including special
forward e-Auction) was 465.72 MTs. Overall coal stock at power houses was its
highest in a decade at 45 .01 Mts (28 days) as on 31.3.2020.
There are 107 ongoing Mining projects having annual capacity of 625.91 MT which
have contributed 295.37 MT in the year 2019-20. Other than this, there are 141
completed mining projects having annual capacity of 300.12 MT. Forty-Nine (49)
new future projects, with a targeted capacity of 485.84 MTs have been
identified in FY 2019-20 to augment coal production of CIL to 1 billion tonnes
by FY 2023-24
Clean Coal Technology: In pursuance to initiatives towards
development of Clean Coal Technology and alternate use of coal, CIL is
exploring the possibilities to venture into the Coal-to-Chemicals sector on
stand-alone basis by setting up a Coal-to-Methanol plant at Dankuni Coal
Complex (DCC). Coal sourced from Raniganj coalfields shall be gasified to
produce syngas which shall be subsequently converted into methanol.
Consumer Satisfaction: Consumer satisfaction is priority area
for CIL and for enhanced consumer satisfaction special emphasis has been given
to Quality Management of Coal from mine to dispatch point. All consumers of CIL
have the option for quality assessment through independent third party sampling
agencies. A portal ‘UTTAM’ has been launched by CIL to so that information of
coal quality will be accessible to both coal companies and consumers.
Acquisition of Coal Assets abroad CIL is in the process of acquisition,
development and operation of coking coal assets in the Far East Region of Russia.
A bilateral MOU was executed between Coal India Limited and Far East Investment
& Export Agency (FEIEA - a Russian Govt. agency) on 4th September,2019 in
the august presence of the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and the Hon’ble
President of the Russian Federation, at Vladivostok.
Touching Peoples’ lives at grass root level Unlike other parts of the world, coal
reserves in India mostly under the forest land or in tribal inhabited areas.
Inevitably coal mining displaces people. But, CIL has a well-structured
Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy for Project Affected People. The company
Pursues ‘Mining with a human face’ through socially sustainable inclusive model
of growth by making Project Affected People stakeholders in the decision making
process for their livelihood.
Care for Environment/ Environmental Management Coal mining is usually associated with
degradation of natural resources and the environmental challenges from coal
mining are a known fact. Coal India being a responsible corporate follows a
holistic approach to mining and follows sustainable coal mining practices. A
conceptual framework is in place to minimize and mitigate the environmental
effects. Concerted efforts are constantly made to address the environmental
CIL continuously reiterates its obligation to
encourage synchronization with the environment and pursue viable coal mining.
Widespread tree plantation programmes are undertaken every year by the Coal
India on OB dumps, along haul road, around mines, residential colonies, and
other available land. 99.6 million trees covering an area over 39842 hectares
have been planted till March’ 2020. During 2019-20, 1.98 million trees have
been planted covering an area of 812.98 Ha of land. In FY2020-21, CIL targets
to plant more than 1.8 million native/local species in around 740 Ha. CIL has
also entered into MoUs’ with prominent Indian Scientific Institutions like
ICFRE and NEERI. They are involved in many scientific studies and also assist
in development of Eco-restoration site and three-tier plantation with native
CIL HQ has obtained certification against ISO
9001, 14001 and 50001 (Quality Management, Environment Management and Energy
Management System) from Bureau of India Standards (BIS). As on 31st March 2019,
four of our Subsidiaries, ECL, CCL, NCL and MCL are certified for Integrated
Management System (ISO 9001, 14001 and OHSAS 18001). CMPDI HQ and its seven RIs
are certified for ISO 9001:2015.
Conservation of Energy Conservation of Energy is priority area
for CIL and various measures are taken towards reduction in specific energy
consumption. High wattage luminaries /conventional light fittings have been
replaced with low power consuming LEDs of appropriate wattage in majority of
the places for street lighting, office and other work places, townships The
energy audit of the CIL office building and adjacent residential complex was
done by CMPDI in 2018-19 and in this process, the contract demand of Office
Building has been reduced from 1450 KVA to 1200 KVA and for Residential complex
it has been reduced from 500 KVA to 250 KVA. These modified contract demands
have been implemented in October 2019 and has led to reduction in the
electricity bill of office building and residential premises by 11% and 30 %
Various steps have been taken for utilizing
solar power as an alternative source of energy such as in kilo-watt scale roof
top solar plants are in successful operation. Subsidiary wise total capacity of
installed roof top are ECL -197 kWp, BCCL - 6 kWp , CCL - 872.5 kWp , WCL -
1097 kWp , Coal India Office ,Kolkata -160 kWp , CMPDIL HQ and Regional
Institutes - 500 kWp . Total units generated from these plants in 2019-20 are
24.469 lakh kWh.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) CIL is on the path of design and implementation
of a strong state of the art Enterprise Resource Planning and Hospital
Management system in CIL and its subsidiaries. The effort is aimed to
assimilate all aspects of business operations into a single easy to use system
which shall effectively plan, manage and optimize all the organisational
resources through standardization of business processes and best practices. The
Phase-I of ‘Project Passion’ is in realization stage and Coal India is
endeavouring for early SAP ERP implementation at ECL, BCCL, CCL, CMPDI, NCL and
SECL in Phase II.
System Improvement in Project Monitoring CIL had developed WEB Based Online
Monitoring System for monitoring implementation of coal projects. As of now, 82
coal mining projects costing Rs. 150 Crores and have been monitored with server
based MS Project. CIL is also monitoring its ongoing projects through MDMS
Safety Policy of CIL Safety is accorded prime importance in
the operations of CIL as exemplified in the mission statement of CIL. CIL has a
well-defined Safety Policy for ensuring safety in mines
First Mile Connectivity Coal India Limited will switch over to
mechanized coal transportation through piped conveyor belts in its large mines
by 2023-24 replacing the existing road transport of coal. The company has
already started the process for the same. Thirty five (35) coal projects each
having production capacity of 4 Million Tonnes per annum and above have been
identified for the purpose. This move promotes environment safety and prevents
possible coal pilferage. It will also lead to mechanized loading of coal which
will have benefits like crushing, sizing of coal, quicker and quality pre
weighed coal loading.
Future Outlook CIL is committed to play a major role in achieving the Nation’s energy security. Based on the demand projection in ‘Vision 2024’ for coal sector in the country and subsequent demand projection on CIL, a roadmap has been prepared wherein CIL has envisioned 1 Billion Tonne (Bt) production in the year 2023-24 to meet the coal demand of the country. To achieve this target, CIL has identified major projects and assessed other related issues
10. BPCL (Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited)
the rich history of Bharat Petroleum, India’s ‘best performing’ Maharatna
Public Sector Undertaking, and its journey from being an Oil and Gas Company in
India to a Fortune 500 oil refining, exploration and marketing conglomerate.
When Oil discoveries were being made and industries expanded, John D. Rockefeller and his business associates acquired control over numerous refineries and pipelines. With these acquisitions under their belt, they went on to form the Standard Oil Trust – a giant in its own right.
Observing this and to counter the growing significance of Standard Oil, three largest rivals - Royal Dutch, Shell and Rothschild’s - came together to form a single organisation called Asiatic Petroleum to market petroleum products in South Asia.
In 1928, Asiatic Petroleum (India) joined hands with the Burmah Oil Company, an active producer, refiner and distributor of petroleum products, particularly in Indian and Burmese markets to form the Burmah-Shell Oil Storage and Distributing Company of India Limited.
11. POWERGRID(Power Grid Corporation of India Limited)
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID), is a
schedule ‘A’, ‘Maharatna’ Public Sector Enterprise of Govt. of India which was
incorporated on 23rd Oct 1989 under the Companies Act, 1956. POWERGRID is a
listed Company, with 51.34% holding of Government of India and the balance is
held by Institutional Investors and public.
POWERGRID, a company operating under Ministry of Power is
the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of the country, responsible for
planning, coordination and development of Inter State Transmission system.
The vision of the Company is to be “World class, Integrated,
Global Transmission Company with Dominant Leadership in Emerging Power Markets
Ensuring Reliability, Safety and Economy
company overview
- A “Maharatna” Central Public Sector Enterprise.
- Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of India
- India’s largest Electric Power Transmission Utility
- Listed Company since 2007
- Consistently rated “Excellent” under Memorandum of Understanding with Ministry of Power since 1993-94
NAVRATNA Companies
1. BEL(Bharat Electronics Limited)
Corporate Office, Bangalore
To be a
world-class enterprise in professional electronics.
To be a
customer focussed, globally competitive company in defence electronics and in
other chosen areas of professional electronics, through quality, technology and
- To be a customer focussed company providing state-of-the-art products & solutions at competitive prices, meeting the demands of quality, delivery & service.
- To generate internal resources for profitable growth.
- To attain technological leadership in defence electronics through in-house R&D, partnership with defence/research laboratories & academic institutions.
- To give thrust to exports.
- To create a facilitating environment for people to realise their full potential through continuous learning & team work.
- To give value for money to customers & create wealth for shareholders.
- To constantly benchmark company's performance with best-in-class internationally.
- To raise marketing abilities to global standards.
- To strive for self-reliance through indigenisation.
2. HAL (HindustanAeronautics Limited)
HAL Today (Feb 2020):
The manufacturing programs underway at HAL are production of SU-30 MKI,
LCA & DO-228 aircraft and ALH-Dhruv, Chetak, Cheetal & LCH Helicopters.
The Repair Overhaul (ROH) programs being carried out presently are Jaguar (with
upgrade), Mirage (with upgrade), Kiran, HS-748, AN-32, MiG 21, Su-30 MKI, Hawk,
Dornier Do-228, ALH, Cheetal, Cheetah and Chetak.
The Company takes up maintenance and overhaul services to cover the
life cycle requirement of all the old and new products. Presently, 13 types of
Aircraft/ Helicopters and Engines are being overhauled. In addition, facilities
exist for repair/ overhaul of various Accessories and Avionics fitted on
Aircraft of Russian, Western and Indigenous designs.
In line with HAL's mission to become a global player, Exports have been
identified as one of the thrust areas. HAL has supplied Dhruv, Lancer, Chetak
& Cheetah helicopters and Do-228 aircraft to international customers and is
also providing product support for the above platforms. The company has
established its credibility through supply of high precision structural &
composite work packages, assemblies, avionics etc to Global Aviation majors
like Airbus, Boeing, Rolls Royce, IAI, Rosoboronexport etc.
The major on-going indigenous development programs are the Light Combat
Aircraft (LCA) MK 1A, Light Combat Helicopter(LCH), Light Utility Helicopter
(LUH), Basic Turboprop Trainer HTT 40 & Indian Multi Role Helicopter
(IMRH). Design and Development of HTFE-25 and HTSE-1200 engines have also been
taken up.
Current upgrade programs include Jaguar DARIN-III upgrade, Mirage
upgrade and Hawk i. In addition to the platforms, various Technology
development projects have also been launched to increase self-reliance in
critical areas like the Aircraft Display systems, Mission Computers, Automatic
Flight Controls for Helicopters and Aircraft Accessories & Avionics.
The story of Oil India Limited (OIL) traces and symbolises the
development and growth of the Indian petroleum industry. From the discovery of
crude oil in the far east of India at Digboi, Assam in 1889 to its present
status as a fully integrated upstream petroleum company, OIL has come far,
crossing many milestones.
On February 18, 1959, Oil India Private Limited was incorporated to
expand and develop the newly discovered oil fields of Naharkatiya and Moran in
the Indian North East. In 1961, it became a joint venture company between the
Indian Government and Burmah Oil Company Limited, UK.
Core Purpose
fastest growing energy company with a global presence providing value to the
OIL's Vision
· Oil India is the fastest growing Energy Company with highest
· Oil India delights the customers with quality products and
services at competitive prices.
· Oil India is a Learning Organization, nurturing initiatives,
innovations and aspirations with best practices.
· Oil India is a team, committed to honesty, integrity, transparency
and mutual trust creating employee pride.
· Oil India is fully committed to safety, health and environment.
· Oil India is a responsible corporate citizen deeply committed to
socio-economic development in its areas of operations.
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