DFCCIL Exam Postponed Recruitment 2021
In view of the unprecedented situation due to Covid -19 when lockdown has been declared in many parts of the country, it has been decided that the last date of the On-line Registration and submission of on-line fees against Advertisement No.04/2021, published in Employment News dated: 24 April 2021 for Recruitment of 1074 for the posts of Junior Manager, Executive and Junior Executive in Civil, Electrical, Signal & Telecommunications, Operations & BD and Mechanical Department of DFCCIL has been extended as under:-.
date for on-line registration (Step –I as per Annexure IV-A) |
date for filling up of on-line application and submission of fees ((Step –II as per Annexure IV-A) |
23 rd July 2021 upto 23:45 hrs |
Dates for Computer Based Test (CBT) September/October 2021 |
September/October 2021 |
2. The last date for possessing the Essential
Qualifications as prescribed in para 3.x will remain the same i.e. 23.05.2021.
As such the para 3.i & 3.x of the detailed advertisement will be modified
as under:
3.i. Candidates appearing or awaiting results as on
23.05.2021 are NOT eligible to apply.
3.x The applicant should possess the essential
qualification as on 23.05.2021. The level of educational qualifications
prescribed for the posts is ESSENTIAL. The candidates shall be required to
produce Marks Sheets & Degree/Certificate, at the time of document
3. The releasing date of defense personnel remains
the same i.e 23.05.2022 in reference to para 5.v.c of the detailed
4. All other terms and conditions of the
Advertisement will remain the same.
5. For detailed important information related to the examination, criteria, exemptions, misconduct, grievance redressal, application format etc, please visit https://www.engineeringstream.com pdf before applying On-Line.
6. For latest news, aspiring candidates may please
keep visiting the website: WWW.DFCCIL.COM.
Download Official Notification : Click here
You tube : Click here
Book : Rs khurmi Objective
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